The first Agnihotra of this Era was started in 1963 in Bhopal. After this, from February, 1968 started the propagation of Agnihotra from Ujjain where Shri Madhavswami Potdarsaheb was stationed in those days. At that time a register with names and addresses of all the Agnihotris used to be maintained regularly. Gradually, the work had spread throughout India. The force of active workers was in hundreds and the listed number of regular Agnihotra practitioners had reached around 5000. Therefore, to instill more vigour and confidence in his team of workers and the practising Agnihotris Saheb decided in November 1972 to hold a grand conference in his headquarters in Bhopal.
Through this conference he also wanted to take stock of whatever work was done during the last 4-5 years. The conference dates were fixed for 8th, 9th and 10th of March 1973. On 11th March, 1973 a Victory procession was slated to be taken out through the major streets of Bhopal city.
A large number of followers of Satya Dharma from Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan, Gujarat and Maharashtra were present for the conference but there was no one from amongst the Agnihotris in South India. This conference, with about 400-500 representatives from different places took place with many unique features. Here had come together an assembly of Agnihotris who did not entertain any consideration for caste, religion, opinion etc. All assembled truly believed only in Human religion. All through the conference there was no showiness or exhibition of any kind and the whole atmosphere gave the feeling of only sincere warmth and affection. The topics of discussion in the conference centred only on Satya Dharma – Human Religion . The most heart-warming and highly impressive atmosphere that prevailed during the entire period of the conference itself proved an effective medium enabling all present to understand Satya Dharma. They got the opportunity of experiencing in reality the existence of a Universal family |
The day’s programme used to start with the chanting of ‘Sapta-shloki’ by Shri Deshetti brothers and Shri Birajdar of Solapur. The lectures of all the speakers were pre-written and had due approval of ‘Saheb’. Keeping clear of all unnecessary ceremonies and formalities etc. this unique programme was conducted right till the last day, with the victory rally on 11th March, in a very disciplined manner. Its memory has remained in the hearts of those who atteneded it. ‘Saheb’ himself was very happy on its completion. Now he felt confident that in the last five years so much work has been done that no one, no power can stop its further progress even if attempted. The principles of his religion has now profoundly come into practice and this itself is the work of rejuvenation of the Vedas.
Paramsadguru Shreeji had sent from Akkalkot his message on 10th March, 1973 blessing this conference which read :
“May your Conference attaining complete success enlighten the entire human race. So is the wish.”
His wish is getting fulfilled in the form of Agnihotra spreading all over the world today.
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