The propagation of Agnihotra was started by Saheb (Madhavswami Potdarsaheb) in 1968. At that time there were very few active workers with him. Therefore, to educate them about the true nature of Satya Dharma and to provide them proper guidance in matters of propagation work etc. a hand-written monthly Bulletin was the only instrument through which they were reached. As the work progressed, to cater the need of reaching a large number of Agnihotra practitioners and sympathisers, with the initiative of Shri Ramnarayan Sharma of Ujjain a weekly named ‘Prakash’ started publishing articles on Satya Dharma, Agnihotra and propagation news from different parts of the country. However, in the middle of 1971 the publication of ‘Prakash’ stopped. So, in July, 1972, first time in the world, taking only Satya Dharma and Agnihotra as the base, a monthly magazine in Hindi named ‘Dharmasoorya’ was started under the guidance of ‘Shri Saheb’. The most important responsibility of its editorship was assigned to Shri Jayant Potdar who worked very dedicatedly and efficiently to bring every issue much better than the last one. The magazine was well received by all for its rich content, reliable information and enriching the thought process. ‘Dharmasoorya’s special issues received very high praise from readers everywhere who preserved them for future benefit. However this venture too faced financial difficulties and some how it managed to survive till 1987 and then its publication stopped.
After 15 long years, since 2003 ‘Dharmasoorya’ is now once again published as a quarterly magazine and its present editor is Ms. Vijaya Potdar. The magazine publishes the reports of the various welfare activities going on under the aegis of ‘Madhavashram’and also prints rich, inspiring and informative articles on ‘Satya Dharma’, ‘Saheb’, and ‘Shreeji’.
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